Ethics Committee

This collegiate body is responsible for promoting, disseminating, monitoring and enforcing compliance with INADET's Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct; it also aims to guide and provide certainty to the Agency's public officials on the ethical behavior applicable on a daily basis.

The following e-mail address is at your disposal:

Ethics Committee

What is its function and how can the Ethics Committee help me?

We regulate actions to delimit the conduct of public servants in specific situations that may violate the code of ethics.

Addresses my complaints of non-compliance with the Code of Ethics.

Advises me on values, principles, rules of integrity and prevention of conflicts of interest.

Collaborates with me to improve the organizational atmosphere in my workplace.

It connects me with the right person for the prevention, attention and sanction of sexual harassment or sexual harassment.

Specific conducts and behaviors of the people who hold a job, position, commission or function in the Instituto de Apoyo al Desarrollo Tecnológico.

The actions of all persons performing a job, position, commission or function in INADET and/or its CENALTEC training units shall be subject to the following conduct:

About the structure of INADET's Ethics Committee